Sunday, November 1, 2015

Camp Fire Basics

I've got a lot of friends who sleep outside.  Not by choice, mind you, but there they are.  Fall and winter weather is coming and some of them will be building fires.  Fewer of them know how to build a fire.  Sorry, guys, but you know it's true.

However, the internet has the answers!

First step: how to build a manly firepit!

(If you aren't manly-- meaning, if you aren't a man-- this is still a good starter firepit, when you have few supplies)

Second step: How to build a fire
It took me years to learn how to build a fire. The main secret is to arrange your materials properly before you light.  More flammable material on bottom, easiest to catch on fire, and the bigger, thicker stuff on top.  But you have to leave space between the layers for air!

Reduce smoke in your fire
You don't want too much smoke, especially if you are in an urban area.  (and if you are in an abandoned building-- don't build a fire unless there is a fireplace with an open flue!  Don't burn down woods or buildings!)

Third: Cooking
Wouldn't you love a setup like this?

Well, we can't all have such fancy stuff like a dutch oven or long utensils.  But we can all cook on a campfire using aluminum foil and sticks.  Here's some tips:

How to Cook over a campfire

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